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Function Duration Insight⚓︎

The Function Duration insight predicts the expected duration of a function invocation in production based on the sum of the durations of the various operations within the function that have been recorded in production.

How It Works⚓︎

  • Uses the endpoint_resp_time metric to calculate the expected duration of a function invocation in production.
  • Uses static control-flow & data-flow analysis to simplify the function's execution graph.
  • Sums the durations of the various operations within the function that have been recorded in production.
  • Averages the sum of the unique paths through the function's execution graph.

Supported Operations⚓︎

  • Function calls - function duration (source)
  • Literal branching - control flow probability (source)
  • Java counting loops - function duration (source)
  • Math.random() - control flow probability (source)
  • Thread.sleep() - function duration (source)


Last update: February 3, 2023